
How to Manage Nail Fungus

Nail fungus, also known as onychomycosis, is a health condition that usually affects the toenails more than the fingernails and causes discolored, thickened, crumbled, misshapen, dark, and foul smelling nails. A fungus called dermatophyte causes this type of nail infection. If you have this problem, you may need to see a doctor at the Central Florida Foot and Ankle Center in Winter Haven, Lakeland, and Davenport, FL, where Dr. Tatiana Wellens and Dr. Maria Jaramillo-Dolan see patients with nail fungus.

Also, see a doctor if you have diabetes and think you could have nail fungus. Circulation problems and a less strong immune system are risk factors for getting nail fungus.

You could have a higher probability of having nail fungus if you sweat heavily, have a history of athlete's foot, have walked without shoes in a swimming pool area, gym, or communal shower, have diabetes, problems with circulation or a immune system problem.

Ways to prevent nail fungus include:

  • Moisturizing your nails after washing them to improve their ability to resist fungus
  • Trimming your nails and disinfecting the nail trimming tool that you use
  • Wear shoes made with natual materials that breathe
  • Change socks so that they remain dry throughout the day
  • Add antifungal powder to shoes and do not wear the same shoes on consecutive days
  • If you get a manicure or pedicure, be certain that the nail salon you go to has sterilized tools for each use
  • Use an anti-fungal treatment on your nail area following bathing or showering
  • Eating a healthy diet to improve your body's ability to resist an unwanted fungus on your hands and feet

Treating Nail Fungus

There are several treatment options for nail fungus including oral medications, topical medications and the newest and most advanced treatment is a nail laser. Laser treatment is a painless and very effective treatment option. The Laser is directed over the toenails, where it safely penetrates through the nail to heat up and destroy the fungus lying underneath. While it will take several months for the nail to grow out clear the laser will still eradicate the infection.

A nail fungus problem could mean that you have an immune system problem. A doctor at the Central Florida Foot and Ankle Center, in Winter Haven, Lakeland, and Davenport, FL, Dr. Tatiana Wellens and Dr. Maria Jaramillo-Dolan, could help you with your health and remove this fungus from your feet, and recommend additional steps for helping you with your immune system. Call them to schedule an appointment. Their telephone number is 863-299-4551.

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10:00 am - 5:00 pm

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Tuesday, Wednesday:

8:00 am - 5:00 pm


8:00 am - 2:00 pm

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Monday - Thursday:

8:00 am - 5:00 pm


8:00 am - 2:00 pm

Saturday, Sunday:
